Hostium is fully trustable and your data is one of the most important things at Hostium!
Hostium prouldy provides free web hosting even with generous resources, for static websites.
At Hostium's exclusive panel, you get access to different games and tools, like image uploaders, bandwith calculators and more!
As you can read from this statistic, there are many people who dream of creating one or more websites, but couldn't afford paying for web hosts. They could be freelancers, startups or just individuals.
Percentage of People who dream of
having a website
Percentage of People that made their
dream, of having a website, come true
Percentage of People that couldn't afford web hosting
trusted users
hosted websites
dollars saved
years Hosting Offerings
Hostium's corner
Full Hostium Tutorial
Full Hostium Tutorial Youtube
How to build a website without coding
What is web hosting
Meaning of "static" website
Static website examples
Hostium helped me to create my website , which I couldn't host at other web hostings
Very nice setup, I like the design!
Thanks for providing free web host. The resources are also very good!